If you have a well operated by Snyder Brothers, Inc. on your property call: 1 (800) 394-8101
If you receive supply from one of the following Utilities:
Peoples Natural Gas & formerly Equitable: 1 (800) 400-4271
Peoples TWP: 1 (800) 222-5101
Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania: 1 (888) 460-4332
National Fuel Gas Distribution: 1 (800) 444-3130
UGI Utilities: 1 (800) 276-2722
UGI Central Penn: 1(800) 652-0550
Dominion East Ohio Gas: 1 (877) 542-2630
Columbia Gas of Ohio: 1 (800) 344-4077
Mountaineer Gas Company: 1 (800) 834-2070
Or call 911 in an emergency once you are safe.